Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Meditation Flying in India


Revealed the secret of a meditation in India.
The way of meditation is done with flying in the air.

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And See This Video

a/n Corner Mystery
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Monday, December 27, 2010


Top 10 Strangest Coffins 2010

“Nothing is certain but death and taxes” – so goes the old saying, and it is, indeed true (unless you are lucky enough to live in a tax haven!) This list deals with the first bit – death. When we die, most of us end up in a coffin or casket. For the average person this is a fairly uneventful wooden box with handles – but not for everyone. Here are ten strangest coffins for those who like to, well, “die” on the wild side!

10. The Coffin Shaped Bag

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9. Coca-Cola Coffin

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8. The Coffin Shaped Car

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7. The Coffin Shaped Fish

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6. The Coffin Shaped - Ring Box

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5. The Coffin Shaped Fish Reptile

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4. The Coffin Shaped Shoe

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3. The Coffin Shaped Garbage

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2. The Coffin Shaped Handphone

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1. The Coffin Shaped Shark
Oh, the shark has pretty teeth dear, and he shows them, pearly white. Or so goes the old song, even though this shark looks as if it didn’t keep his dental insurance up to date. So, who would get buried in this? A fisherman? A mafia godfather? Churchill once said that he was ready to meet his maker. He just wondered if his maker was ready to meet him. Ditto the great creator if (s)he comes across this chap before he pops out of his coffin!

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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Cat Forecasters AFF Cup Final


After the death of the astrologer Paul octopus World Cup yesterday.
Now appears, Cat forecasters AFF Cup Final between Indonesia vs Malaysia.
It seems that forecasters will be enveloped in the Cat's popularity as experienced Paul.
Will proved?

See Video

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If The Party Politics Intervened PSSI


Red and White national team victory euphoria, permeate the soul almost all the Indonesian people, be it pure football lovers, lovers of impromptu soccer or just beginning to be interested in football, all dissolved in joy to welcome national team victory after victory. No exception of the political elite of this country that talkative with the euphoria of victory. Even clerics who deal daily with the Lord's, spend some time express his joy by holding a prayer istiqosah together.

Almost every day of television stations in the country preaching about the national team, beat the other news coverage. This indicates just how thirsty the people of Indonesia want to see the team perform and can boast the name of the nation. We all know how the decline of our national football achievements in recent years under the PSSI organization chaired by former inmates for corruption called Nurdin Halid. And when the team began to show his teeth, then rushing throng of people support him with passion.

How proud Nurdin Halid boasting all the performance claims for the success of the national team today. But he'll always be avoided and dodged the tongue when the national team was slumped in the nadir point. That's the face of football organization's chairman Indonesia is very hypocritical and shameless. He will be more boasting any future national team won the AFF Cup this year, and of course we all continue to support and pray for the national team managed to win and bring home Trophi AFF as the pride that has the scent of Indonesia in the international world.

But we should not be surprised if later Nurdin Halid will increasingly arrogant boasting that it was the result of hard work. Basis of a criminal who was proud of his own hypocrisy. But those people who dive and follow the development of football ground water would be laughed at and if possible can simply spit in his face. Nurdin Halid not a stupid man, also not a smart man. But he is a cunning man.

Nurdin Halid had long known by all the problems being swept under the leadership PSSI does not like many administrators, observers and lovers of football country, who wanted him resign from the leadership of PSSI. But the cunning brain into action quickly, then when the national team achievement soar middle, where people of this country is being hailed a success coach with a resounding win for the sake of the game even though it was not yet over, but confidence has grown back almost all the people of this country, that the national team began to reap results.

So with the spirit of cunning, hurry hurry Nurdin Halid embrace the boss who is also chairman of the political parties are ambitious to be president of this country, Bakrie general chairman of Golkar Party, who are busy inviting the entire Timnas and all the official to his home.

And as we know it all, with firm Bakrie praise and support the leadership of PSSI under Nurdin Halid. And proudly donated 25 hectares of vacant land in the area Jonggol to be the center of education, of course, football is very good for the continuity of the progress of our football, but the intention is coupled with a willingness to master the PSSI organization that in fact is under the leadership of a cadre of loyal Golkar .

Then it will dim the development of football this country if the light directly and openly political parties want to master it. This is very dangerous. So the revolution that PSSI is a fixed price can not be avoided if you want to see our football spared from the hands of dirty hands. ( source juned)
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Thursday, December 2, 2010


History of Indonesia VS Malaysia Confrontation


Indonesia-Malaysia confrontation, or better known as the confrontation alone is a war about the future of Malaya, Brunei, Sabah and Sarawak which occurred between the Federation of Malaysia and Indonesia in 1962-1966.

This war originated from the desire of the Federation of Malaya is more recognizable as Tanah Melayu Fellowship in 1961 to join Brunei, Sabah and Sarawak into the Federation of Malaysia is not in accordance with the agreement Manila Accord Wikisource-logo.svg therefore desire was banned by President Sukarno, who considers the formation of Federation of Malaysia is now known as Malaysia as a "British puppet" is colonialism and imperialism in a new form as well as support for various internal security disturbances and rebellions in Indonesia.

Violation of international treaties concept Macapagal THE PLAN, among others through agreement Wikisource-logo.svg Manila Accord of July 31, 1963, the Manila Declaration Wikisource-logo.svg August 3, 1963, Joint Statement Wikisource-logo.svg on August 5, 1963 regarding Wikisource-logo.svg decolonization which should include the people of Sarawak and Sabah that the status of both regions is still listed on the UN Security Council list as the Non-Self-Governing Territories.

History of Indonesia VS Malaysia Confrontation


In 1961, Borneo was divided into four administrative. Kalimantan, an Indonesian province, located in south Kalimantan. In the north is the Kingdom of Brunei and two British colonies, Sarawak and North Borneo, later renamed Sabah. As part of its withdrawal from its Southeast Asian colonies, the British tried to combine its colonies on Borneo in the Malay Peninsula, the Federation of Malaya to form the Federation of Malaysia.

This plan was opposed by the Government of Indonesia, President Sukarno argued that Malaysia was a British puppet, and the consolidation of Malaysia would increase British control over the region, thus threatening the independence of Indonesia. The Philippines also made a claim for Sabah, arguing that it had historic links with the Philippines through the Sulu Sultanate.

In Brunei, North Borneo National Army (TNKU) revolted on December 8, 1962. They tried to capture the Sultan of Brunei, the oil fields and European hostages. The Sultan escaped and asked for British help. He received British and Gurkha troops from Singapore. On 16 December, the British Far East Command (British Far Eastern Command) claims that all major rebel centers have been resolved, and on April 17, 1963, the rebel commander was captured and the rebellion ended.

Philippines and Indonesia formally agreed to accept the formation of the Federation of Malaysia if the majority in an area that would do dekolonial selecting it in a referendum organized by the UN. However, on 16 September, before the results of the election are reported. Malaysia saw the formation of this federation as a problem in the country, with no place for outsiders to intervene, but Indonesia's leaders see this as an agreement Wikisource-logo.svg Manila Accord that have been violated and as evidence of British colonialism and imperialism.
"Since the anti-Indonesian demonstrations in Kuala Lumpur, when the protesters stormed the embassy building, tore up a photo of Sukarno, carrying the emblem of Garuda Pancasila state before the Tunku Abdul Rahman, Prime Minister of Malaysia at the time-and force him to step on Garuda [6], anger Sukarno against Malaysia was exploded. "

Anti-Indonesian demonstrations in Kuala Lumpur which took place September 17, 1963, applies when the demonstrators who were mounting anger against President Sukarno, who launched a confrontation against Malaysia [7] also kerana an unofficial military forces attack Indonesia against Malaysia. This announcement berikutan Indonesian Foreign Minister Soebandrio that Indonesia's hostile stand against Malaysia on January 20, 1963. In addition, volunteers pencerobohan Indonesia (likely an unofficial military forces) began to infiltrate Sarawak and Sabah to spread propaganda and engage in raids and sabotage on April 12 next.

Soekarno an angry because it condemns acts of anti-Indonesian demonstrations that trample the symbol of the state of Indonesia [8] and wanted to take revenge by launching a movement known under the name Down with Malaysia. Sukarno proclaimed the motion Down with Malaysia through his speech a very historic, the following:
Kalau kita lapar itu biasa
Kalau kita malu itu juga biasa
Namun kalau kita lapar atau malu itu karena Malaysia, kurang ajar!

Kerahkan pasukan ke Kalimantan hajar cecunguk Malayan itu!
Pukul dan sikat jangan sampai tanah dan udara kita diinjak-injak oleh Malaysian keparat itu

Doakan aku, aku kan berangkat ke medan juang sebagai patriot Bangsa, sebagai martir Bangsa dan sebagai peluru Bangsa yang tak mau diinjak-injak harga dirinya.

Serukan serukan keseluruh pelosok negeri bahwa kita akan bersatu untuk melawan kehinaan ini kita akan membalas perlakuan ini dan kita tunjukkan bahwa kita masih memiliki Gigi yang kuat dan kita juga masih memiliki martabat.

Yoo...ayoo... kita... Ganjang...
Ganjang... Malaysia
Ganjang... Malaysia
Bulatkan tekad
Semangat kita badja
Peluru kita banjak
Njawa kita banjak
Bila perlu satoe-satoe!



On January 20, 1963, Indonesian Foreign Minister Soebandrio announced Indonesia's hostile attitude towards Malaysia. On April 12, Indonesian volunteers (likely an unofficial military forces) began to infiltrate Sarawak and Sabah to spread propaganda and engage in raids and sabotage. May 3, 1963 at a mass meeting that was held in Jakarta, President Sukarno declared the People's Command Dwi command (Dwikora) of contents:

* Improving the resilience of the Indonesian revolution
* Help the revolutionary struggle of the people of Malaya, Singapore, Sarawak and Sabah, to destroy Malaysia

On July 27, Sukarno declared that he was going to "crush Malaysia". On 16 August, troops from the Royal Malay Askar regimens to deal with fifty Indonesian guerillas.

While the Philippines did not participate in the war, they sever diplomatic relations with Malaysia.

Federation of Malaysia was formally established on September 16, 1963. Brunei and Singapore declined to join them out at a later date.

The tension developed in both parties Strait of Malacca. Two days later, the riots burned the British embassy in Jakarta. Several hundred rioters seized Singapore embassy in Jakarta and also houses Singapore diplomat. In Malaysia, Indonesian agents were captured and crowds attacked the Indonesian embassy in Kuala Lumpur.

Along the border in Borneo, there was an ongoing border war; Indonesian troops and irregulars tried to occupy Sarawak and Sabah, with no results.
volunteer action command

In 1964 Indonesian troops began attacking areas in Peninsular Malaysia. In May was formed Alert Command tasked with coordinating the activities of the war against Malaysia (Operation Dwikora). Command is then transformed into Standby Mandala Command (Kolaga). Air Laksdya Kolaga led by Omar Dani as Pangkolaga. Kolaga itself consists of three commands, namely Combat Command A (Kopurtu) is located in Sumatra, which consists of 12 Battalion of the Army, including three battalions and one battalion of the Marines. This commando operations targeting the Malay Peninsula and headed by Brigadier General Kemal Idris sebaga Pangkopur-I. Two Combat Command (Kopurda) based in Bengkayang, West Kalimantan and consists of 13 Battalion who came from elements of the Marines, Air Force, and RPKAD. Command is headed by Brig Supardjo as Pangkopur-II. The third is the Command Fleet Command Alert consisting of elements of Navy and Marines as well. Commando Brigade Landing is equipped with and operate on the border of Riau and East Kalimantan.

In August, sixteen armed Indonesian agents were captured in Johore. Indonesian Armed Activities on the border also increased. Malaysian Marine Military mobilize its forces to defend Malaysia. Military Malaysia only a few were taken down and had to rely on border posts and controls a commando unit. Their main mission is to prevent the entry of Indonesian troops to Malaysia. Most of the parties to armed conflict with Indonesia is the United Kingdom and Australia, particularly those of special forces Special Air Service (SAS). Carrying around 200 Indonesian special forces (Kopassus) special forces were killed and 2000 British / Australian (SAS) were also killed after a fight in the jungles of Kalimantan (Angkasa Magazine Edition 2006).

On August 17 paratroopers landed on the southwest coast of Johore and attempted to establish guerilla groups. On 2 September 1964 paratroopers landed in Labis, Johor. On October 29, 52 soldiers landed in Pontian in Johor, Malacca border and kill troops and Royal Malay Regiment Askar New Zealand and also crush the forces of General Motion Royal Malaysia Police in Batu 20, Muar, Johor.

When the United Nations accepted Malaysia as a non-permanent members. Interesting Sukarno of Indonesia from the United Nations on January 20, 1965 and tried to form the New Power Conference (Conference of New Emerging Forces, Conefo) as an alternative.

As an Olympic rival, Sukarno even held Ganefo (Games of the New Emerging Forces), held in Senayan, Jakarta on 10 to 22 November 1963. Sports carnival was followed by 2250 athletes from 48 countries in Asia, Africa, Europe and South America, and covered about 500 foreign journalists.

In January 1965, Australia agreed to send troops to Borneo after receiving many requests from Malaysia. Australian troops included 3 Royal Australian Regiment and Australian Special Air Service Regiment. There are about fourteen thousand British and Commonwealth forces in Australia at the time. Officially, the British and Australian troops not to follow the attackers over the Indonesian border. However, units like the Special Air Service, both Britain and Australia, signed in secret (see Operation Claret). Australia recognizes these incursions in 1996.

In mid 1965, Indonesia began to use his official army. On 28 June, they crossed the border into eastern Sebatik Island near Tawau, Sabah, and dealing with Askar Malay Regiment and The King of the North Borneo Armed Constabulary Police Force.

On July 1, 1965, Indonesia's military force of approximately 5,000 people confront Malaysian Navy base in Semporna. The attack and the siege continued until 8 September but failed. Indonesian troops withdraw and not penah again set foot on Earth Malaysia. This event is known as the "Siege of 68 Days" by the citizens of Malaysia.

Final confrontation
Towards the end of 1965, General Suharto came to power in Indonesia after the course G30S/PKI. Because of this domestic conflict, the wish of Indonesia to continue the war with Malaysia to be reduced and the war had subsided.

On May 28, 1966 at a conference in Bangkok, Kingdom of Malaysia and the Indonesian government announced a settlement of the conflict. The violence ended in June, and the peace treaty was signed on 11 August and was inaugurated two days later.

Indonesia vs Malaysia even battle not only in politics, economics and culture. This battle took place in the world of football. which Indonesia beat Malaysia with a score of 5 -1 landslide in Senayan, Jakarta. This may be able to treat wounds Indonesian community and proud of the greatness of Indonesia..

SEE VIDEO AFF Suzuki Cup 2010 Group A Indonesia vs Malaysia

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Nibiru Planet coming at Desember 21,2012


Nibiru collision

V838 Mon, a star with an expanding gas shell passed off as "photographic evidence" of Nibiru
The Nibiru collision is a supposed disastrous encounter between the earth and a large planetary object (either a collision or a near-miss) which certain groups believe will take place in the early 21st century. Believers in this doomsday event usually refer to this object as Planet X or Nibiru. The idea that a planet-sized object could possibly collide with or pass by Earth in the near future is not supported by any scientific evidence and has been rejected as pseudoscience by astronomers and planetary scientists.
The idea was first proposed in 1995 by Nancy Lieder, founder of the website ZetaTalk. Lieder describes herself as a contactee with the ability to receive messages from extra-terrestrials from the Zeta Reticuli star system through an implant in her brain. She states that she was chosen to warn mankind that the object would sweep through the inner Solar System in May 2003 (though that date was later abandoned) causing Earth to undergo a pole shift that would destroy most of humanity. The predicted collision has subsequently spread beyond Lieder's website and has been embraced by numerous internet doomsday groups, most of which link the event to the 2012 phenomenon. Although the name "Nibiru" is derived from the works of ancient astronaut writer Zecharia Sitchin and his interpretations of Babylonian and Sumerian mythology, Sitchin himself denied any connection between his work and various claims of a coming apocalypse.

The idea of the Nibiru encounter originated with Nancy Lieder, a Wisconsin woman who claims that as a girl she was contacted by gray extraterrestrials called Zetas, who implanted a communications device in her brain. In 1995, she founded the website ZetaTalk to disseminate her ideas. Lieder first came to public attention on internet newsgroups during the build-up to Comet Hale-Bopp's 1997 perihelion. She stated, speaking as the Zetas, that "The Hale-Bopp comet does not exist. It is a fraud, perpetrated by those who would have the teeming masses quiescent until it is too late. Hale-Bopp is nothing more than a distant star, and will draw no closer." She claimed that the Hale-Bopp story was manufactured to distract people from the imminent arrival of a large planetary object, "Planet X", which would soon pass by Earth and destroy civilization.After Hale-Bopp's perihelion revealed it as one of the brightest and longest-observed comets of the last century, Lieder removed the first two sentences of her initial statement from her site, though they can still be found in Google's archives. Her claims eventually made the New York Times.
Lieder described Planet X as roughly four times the size of the Earth, and said that its perigee would occur on May 27, 2003, resulting in the Earth's rotation ceasing for exactly 5.9 terrestrial days. This would be followed by the Earth's pole destabilising in a pole shift (a physical pole shift, with the Earth's pole physically moving, rather than a geomagnetic reversal) caused by magnetic attraction between the Earth's core and the magnetism of the passing planet. This in turn would disrupt the Earth's magnetic core and lead to subsequent displacement of the Earth's crust.
Lieder's Planet X idea first spread beyond her website in 2001, when Mark Hazlewood, a former member of the ZetaTalk community, took her ideas and published them in a book: Blindsided: Planet X Passes in 2003. Lieder would later accuse him of being a confidence trickster. A Japanese cult called the Pana Wave Laboratory, which blocked off roads and rivers with white cloths to protect itself from electromagnetic attacks, also warned that the world would end in May 2003 after the approach of a tenth planet.
Roughly a week before the supposed arrival of Planet X, Lieder appeared on KROQ radio in Los Angeles, and advised listeners to put their pets down in anticipation of the event. When asked if she had done so, she replied that she had, and that "The puppies are in a happy place." She also advised that "A dog makes a good meal". After the 2003 date passed without incident, Lieder said that it was merely a "White Lie ... to fool the establishment," and said that to disclose the true date would give those in power enough time to declare martial law and trap people in cities during the shift, leading to their deaths.
Many internet sites continue to proclaim that Lieder's object is en route to Earth, often citing its arrival date as December, 2012. This date has gathered many apocalyptic associations, as it is the end of the current cycle (baktun) in the long count in the Mayan calendar. Several writers have published books connecting the collision with 2012. Hazlewood has since changed his views on Planet X, and now says that there are intelligent alien forces acting to protect us as a species, and that we are set to ascend to a higher level of consciousness in 2012.

Zecharia Sitchin and Sumer

Although Lieder originally referred to the object as "Planet X", it has become deeply associated with Nibiru, a planet from the works of ancient astronaut proponent Zecharia Sitchin, particularly his book The 12th Planet. According to Sitchin's interpretation of Babylonian religious texts, which contravenes every conclusion reached by credited scholars on the subject, a giant planet (Nibiru or Marduk) passes by Earth every 3,600 years and allows its sentient inhabitants to interact with humanity. These beings, which Sitchin identifies with the Annunaki of Sumerian myth, would become humanity's first gods. Lieder first made the connection between Nibiru and her Planet X on her site in 1996 ("Planet X does exist, and it is the 12th Planet, one and the same.").
Sitchin however denies any connection between his work and Lieder's claims. In 2007, partly in response to Lieder's proclamations, Sitchin published a book, The End of Days, which set the time for the last passing of Nibiru by Earth at 556 BC, which would mean, given the object's supposed 3,600–year orbit, it would return sometime around AD 2900. He did however say that he believed that the Annunaki might return earlier by spaceship, and that the timing of their return would coincide with the shift from the astrological Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius, sometime between 2090 and 2370.

Other names

Lieder drew the name Planet X from the hypothetical planet once searched for by astronomers to account for discrepancies in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune. In 1894, Bostonian astronomer Percival Lowell became convinced that the planets Uranus and Neptune had slight discrepancies in their orbits. He concluded that they must be being tugged by the gravity of another, more distant planet, which he called "Planet X". However, nearly a century of searching failed to turn up any evidence for such an object (Pluto was initially believed to be Planet X, but was later determined to be too small). In 1992, astronomer Myles Standish showed that the supposed discrepancies in the planets' orbits were illusory; the product of an overestimation of the mass of Neptune. Today astronomers accept that Planet X does not exist.
Another common name for Planet X/Nibiru is Nemesis, a name taken from a hypothesis first proposed by physicist Richard A. Muller. In 1984, Muller postulated that mass extinctions were not random, but appeared to occur in the fossil record with a loose periodicity that ranged from 26-34 million years. He attributed this supposed pattern to a heretofore undetected companion to the Sun, either a brown dwarf, a dim red dwarf or a gas giant planet, lying in an elliptical, 26-million-year orbit. This object, which he named Nemesis, would, once every 26 million years, pass through Oort cloud, the shell of over a trillion icy objects believed to be the source of long-period comets and to lie at thousands of times Pluto's distance from the Sun. Nemesis's gravity would then disturb the comets' orbits and send them into the inner Solar System, causing the Earth to be bombarded. However, to date no direct evidence of Nemesis has been found. Though the idea of Nemesis appears similar to the Nibiru collision, they are in fact very different, as Nemesis, if it existed, would have an orbital period thousands of times longer, and would never come near Earth itself.
Still others refer to the object as Eris; however, Eris (provisional designation: 2003 UB313) is a dwarf planet only slightly larger than Plutowith a well-determined orbit that never takes it closer than 5.5 billion km from the Earth.Astronomer Mike Brown, who discovered Eris, believes the confusion results from both the real Eris and the imaginary Nibiru having extremely elliptical orbits.

Scientific Criticism

Astronomers point out that such an object so close to Earth would be easily visible to the naked eye (Jupiter and Saturn are both visible to the naked eye, and are dimmer than Nibiru would be at their distances), and would be creating noticeable effects in the orbits of the outer planets. Some counter this by claiming that the object has been hiding behind the Sun for several years, though such a claim is geometrically impossible. Images of Nibiru near the Sun taken by amateurs are usually the result of lens flares, false images of the Sun created by reflections within the lens.
Mike Brown notes that if this object's orbit were as described, it would only have lasted in the Solar System for a million years or so before Jupiter expelled it, and that there is no way another object's magnetic field could have such an effect on Earth. Lieder's assertions that the approach of Nibiru would cause the Earth's rotation to stop or its axis to shift violate the laws of physics. In his rebuttal of Immanuel Velikovsky's Worlds in Collision, which made the same claim that the Earth's rotation could be stopped and then restarted, Carl Sagan noted that, "the energy required to brake the Earth is not enough to melt it, although it would result in a noticeable increase in temperature: the oceans would [be] raised to the boiling point of water . . . [Also,] how does the Earth get started up again, rotating at approximately the same rate of spin? The Earth cannot do it by itself, because of the law of the conservation of angular momentum."
Many believers in the imminent approach of Planet X/Nibiru accuse NASA of deliberately covering up visual evidence of its existence. One such accusation involves the IRAS infrared space observatory, launched in 1983. The satellite briefly made headlines due to an "unknown object" that was at first described as "possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter and possibly so close to Earth that it would be part of this Solar System". This newspaper article has been cited by proponents of the collision idea, beginning with Lieder herself, as evidence for the existence of Nibiru. However, further analysis revealed that of several unidentified objects, nine were distant galaxies and the tenth was "intergalactic cirrus"; none were found to be Solar System bodies.
Another accusation frequently made by websites predicting the collision is that the US government built the South Pole Telescope to track Nibiru's trajectory, and that the object has been imaged optically. However, the SPT (which is not funded by NASA) is a radio telescope, and cannot take optical images. Its South Pole location was chosen due to the low-humidity environment, and there is no way an approaching object could be seen only from the South Pole. The "picture" of Nibiru posted on YouTube was revealed to in fact be a Hubble image of the expanding gas shell around the star V838 Mon.
In a 2009 interview with the Discovery Channel, Mike Brown noted that, while it is not impossible that the Sun has a distant planetary companion, such an object would have to be lying very far from the observed regions of the Solar System to have no gravitational effect on the other planets. A Mars-sized object could lie undetected at 300 AU (10 times the distance of Neptune); a Jupiter-sized object at 30,000 AU (1000 times the distance of Neptune). To travel 1000 AU (30 times the distance of Neptune) in 2 years, an object would need to be moving at 2400 km/s, or faster than the galactic escape velocity. At that speed, any object would be shot out of the Solar System, and then out of the Milky Way galaxy into intergalactic space.

Public Reaction

The impact of the public fear of the Nibiru collision has been especially felt by professional astronomers. Mike Brown now says that Nibiru is the most common pseudoscientific topic he is asked about.
David Morrison, director of SETI, CSI Fellow and Senior Scientist at NASA's Astrobiology Institute at Ames Research Center, says he receives 20–25 emails a week about the impending arrival of Nibiru; some frightened, others angry and naming him as part of the conspiracy to keep the truth of the impending apocalypse from the public, and still others asking whether or not they should kill themselves, their children or their pets. Half of these emails are from outside the US. "Planetary scientists are being driven to distraction by Nibiru," notes science writer Govert Schilling, "And it is not surprising; you devote so much time, energy and creativity to fascinating scientific research, and find yourself on the tracks of the most amazing and interesting things, and all the public at large is concerned about is some crackpot theory about clay tablets, god-astronauts and a planet that doesn't exist." Morrison states that he hopes that the non-arrival of Nibiru could serve as a teaching moment for the public, instructing them on 'rational thought and baloney detection', but doubts that will happen.
Morrison noted in a lecture recorded on FORA.tv that there was a huge disconnect between the massive number of people on the internet who believed in Nibiru's arrival in 2012 and the majority of scientists who have never heard of it. To date he is the only major NASA scientist to speak out regularly against the Nibiru phenomenon.
A viral marketing campaign for Sony Pictures' 2009 film 2012, directed by Roland Emmerich, which depicts the end of the world in that year, featured a supposed warning from the "Institute for Human Continuity" that lists the arrival of Planet X as one of its doomsday scenarios. Mike Brown attributes a spike in concerned emails and phone calls he received from the public to this site.

Source : wikipedia
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Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Mystery Pyramids in China

Early stories about the pyramids in China began right around the Second World War. A US Air Force pilot named James Gaussman reportedly saw a white-topped pyramid during a flight between China and India in 1945. Walter Hain, an author and science writer, reports in his homepages (see his article below) how Gaussman described his first sighting of the pyramid. "I banked to avoid a mountain and we came out over a level valley. Directly below was a gigantic white pyramid. It looked like something out of a fairy tale. It was encased in shimmering white. This could have been metal, or some sort of stone. It was pure white on all sides. The remarkable thing was the capstone, a huge piece of jewel-like material that could have been crystal. There was no way we could have landed, although we wanted to. We were struck by the immensity of the thing." The story was subsequently picked up by the New York Times, who ran a story about the pyramid on March 28, 1947. Colonel Maurice Sheahan, Far Eastern director of Trans World Airlines gave an interview saying he had seen a gigantic pyramid 40 miles southwest of Xian. Two days after the report, the same newspaper published a photo, which was later attributed to Gaussman.

The worlds largest pyramid is rumored to be in Qin Lin county in a 'forbidden zone' of China, estimated at nearly 1,000 ft high and made of impounded earth and clay, and holding vast tombs. The Chinese govt have long denied the existence of 100 or so pyramids though the increasing tourism to the Xian tombs area (the Terracotta Army) is threatening the secrecy with tourists climbing the 25-100m pyramids for themselves.

spoiler gambarspoiler gambar

The government has planted trees on them to disguise them too. After outright denying their existence, the government finally admitted to the existence to New Zealand author Bruce Cathie of some 'trapezoid tombs', however a fabled white pyramid 1000 ft high has only ever been seen by a few Westerners this century. Here is an excerpt from a book:

"I was searching for a pyramid which was said to have been, once, many millennia ago, multicolored, and to now be a dusty white. This was a pyramid which, legend has it, rises to the astonishing height of 1,000 feet - four-fifths the elevation of the Empire State Building. Not only was this extraordinary structure said to be the largest pyramid in the world (the Giant Pyramid of Egypt, by comparison, rises a mere 450 feet); but, in the valleys surrounding it, there were said to be dozens of other pyramids, some rising to an elevation almost as great.
Until recently, Chinese officials have rebuffed all questions about these pyramids and all requests to view them. And yet, over this century, a certain mythology has grown up around them. An American trader, stumbling upon these amazing structures in 1912, asked his Buddhist monk-guide about them. He was told that 5,000-year-old monastic documents not only contained information about these pyramids, but said the pyramids were extremely old when these records were made.
The trader, Fred Meyer Schroder, observed several smaller pyramids in the distance. He wrote in his travel diary that his first sight of the giant pyramid, along with its smaller cousins, rendered him almost speechless. "It was even more uncanny than if we had found it in the wilderness," he wrote. "But those [ pyra-mids) were to some extent exposed to the eyes of the world—but still totally unknown in the western world."
In the Far East in the spring of 1945, though Japanese troops were still fighting in China, the U.S. Army and its allies were well on their way to pushing the Japanese off the mainland. One day, U.S. Air Force Pilot James Gaussman was returning to Assam, in India, after having flown the ‘Burma Hump’-ferried supplies to Chungking, China, from India-when engine trouble forced him to descend temporarily to a low altitude over China. As he later wrote:
"I flew around a mountain and then we came to a valley. Directly below us was a gigantic white pyramid. It looked as if it were from a fairy tale. The pyramid was draped in shimmering white. It could have been metal, or some other form of stone. It was white on all sides. What was most curious about it was its capstone: a large piece of precious gem-like material. I was deeply moved by the colossal size of the thing."
When Gaussman arrived back in Assam, combat duties pushed the sighting from his mind. Photographs he had taken of the giant pyramid would not be published for another 45 years. Till then, even his report would be buried in the Secret Service files of the U.S. military
Two years later, in 1947, another U.S. aviator, Maurice Sheahan—this time flying over Shaanxi Province, not far from Xian-- caught sight of a giant pyramid in the misty landscape below and rapidly snapped pictures. This time, several U.S. newspapers, in-cluding the New York Times for March 28, 1947, published accounts of the airman’s sighting. But Chinese archaeologists con-tinued to deny the existence of such a structure, even though Sheahan’s photographs suggested it was higher than any pyramid in Egypt. "
Today, with help of satellite images, we can be certain beyond any doubt that pyramids in China are real (and man-made).

Pyramid near the City Xian, on 34.22 North and 108.41 East.

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New evidences 2009
The "White Pyramid" discovered! It is the Maoling Mausoleum!
Original article from October 25, 2006 revised in Feb 2009

Since many years already in the popular scientific community and in publications there are many announcements and contentions of gigantic pyramids in China. The puzzle around the look-up seems final after new discoveries. With the help of Google Earth, the objects are to be seen impressively. It can not be maintained longer, there might be no pyramids in China.! They have four sides and they are even square like the pyramids in Egypt and in Mexico. Its size can quite be matched with those of the Pharaons and of the Mexican rulers.

Already in 1912 of the two travel agents Fred Meyer Schroder and Oscar Maman reported of a tremendous building that they had seen in China."It was more eerie than if we had found them in the wilderness. Here they had been under the nose of the world, but unknown to the western countries... The big pyramid is about 1,000 feet high (other descriptions estimate 1,000 to 1,200 feet high) and roughly 1,500 feet at the base, which makes it twice as large as any pyramid in Egypt. The four faces of the structure are oriented with the compass points," the two travellers reported.

During the second world war, the pilot of the American Air Force, James Gaussman, with his co-pilot, flow - through a technical defect at his machine -, for several times over a specific territory in China. What he later reported sounds completely unbelievable:  
"I banked to avoid a mountain and we came out over a level valley. Directly below was a gigantic white pyramid. It looked like something out of a fairy tale. It was encased in shimmering white. This could have been metal, or some sort of stone. It was pure white on all sides. The remarkable thing was the capstone, a huge piece of jewel-like material that could have been crystal. There was no way we could have landed, although we wanted to. We were struck by the immensity of the thing", the pilots reported.

On March 28, 1947 the "New York Times" reported about that discovery. In an interview with the newspaper, the former far east director of the Transworld Airlines, Maurice Sheahan, says he has seen 40 miles southwest of Xian a gigantic pyramid."I was impressed by its perfect pyramidal form and its great size," says Sheahan.
Later, on March 30, 1947 the "New York Sunday Times" take over the report and published at the first the photo, which is actually made in 1945 by Gaussman, and that was soon forgotten.

In 1978 the New Zealand researcher Bruce L. Cathie bothered itself of a clarification of the puzzle. According to some correspondence with the Chinese embassy and the US air force he kept up the photo of 1947. He published the picture later in the first edition of his book "The Bridge to Infinity" of 1983. According to the photograph and the reports, the New Zealand researcher estimate that the pyramid must have at their basis a length of 450 meters (1500 feet) and a height of about 300 meters (1000 feet). It is a pyramid with four flat trapezoid shaped sides, a square plateau on the top and a square base, like the pyramids in Egypt and in Mexico. Such pyramids were up to now unknown to the experts in the western world and its existence was always denied: "There are no pyramids in China! Only pagodas - temple liked, peaked buildings", so the opinion of the world experts.

A comparison of a former satellite image of a pyramid in Shaanxi with the photo of 1947 found in the homepage of earthquest.co.uk of November 2001.

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I came to the "white pyramid" when I already read reports in specialized books before and then I saw the appropriate photograph in the book "The Face on Mars" of 1989 from the two Australian authors Brian Crowley and James J. Hurtak. Brian Crowley then sent a copy of the image in his book to me and then I passed it to Peter Krassa - a Austrian book author and China researcher. Later I published it in my German book "Das Marsgesicht" (The Face on Mars) of 1995.

I have left indeed Peter Krassa the photograph, but I wanted to however make and therefore prove attentive, that there are in fact pyramids in China. At the German edition "Ancient Skies", the journal of the "Ancient Astronaut Society", no. 6, 1991, I published a short report. One did not want to however publish the photograph of 1947. Gene Phillips, the founder of the mentioned society, has refused a report from me in the American journal of the Society - with the reason, the photograph could be "something doctored", somehow falsified. He considered the photograph for a forgery.

However, I was some extent amazed when I saw a German book in a bookshop in Hamburg, Germany - during a lecture trip - with the title "Die weisse Pyramide" (The white pyramid), written by Hartwig Hausdorf, he was until then completely unknown to me. The book appeared in 1994 and then I found out that Peter Krassa had made the photograph available to him - without my knowledge. However, Hartwig Hausdorf mentioned me in his book so the case is functional. Hartwig Hausdorf was very much strove anyway - and that was also my aim - for the thing and he has undertaken several China trips, around the report to go onto the basis. He found several pyramid mountains in China in fact and he has also published photographs from that. These were the first real evidence that there are pyramidal buildings in China exist. The "white pyramid" could constitute Hausdorf nonetheless not.

Bruce L. Cathie announces many details in its book "The bridge to Infinity" over pyramids in China and especially over the "white pyramid" - so too precise coordinate information. They should be had found north of the contemporary city Sian (Xi´an), by the foot of the river Wei-ho - exact at 34.26 degrees of northern width and 108.52 degrees of eastern length. This data were for me very helpful when I searched in September 2006, with "Google Earth" over China after the pyramids. This program was in the last years set up extended from Google into the Internet and one can recognize phantastic details of the Earth's surface, by means of satellite consumption - as e.g. too the mysterious lines in the plain of Nazca. The solution is not in all fields optimally, nevertheless mostly quite well.

According to some trouble I then kept up after the coordinate information of Bruce L. Cathie two pyramids. As result, I found further, more than twenty and bigger pyramids. They are square earth-pillars, constructed by Chinese craftsmen a long time ago very obviously. The professional world has therefore improper. There are indeed pyramids in China! Google Earth confirmed that again. The biggest one in this area is on 34.23 degrees North and 108.42 degrees East. The opinions diverge via the age of the pyramids. Some speak of 2500 to 3500 years. The legendary "Emperor of the prehistoric time" should at that time have been there.

The pyramids are in the province Shaanxi, north of the city Sian (Xi´an). On the satellite photographs of Google Earth, no "white pyramid" is to be recognized. Under the coordinates 34.26 degrees of North and 108.52 degrees East, two pyramids are visible, but however they are not identical to the photo from 1947. The pyramid lying a little southwest, in my opinion, comes onto 34.22 North most of all and 108.41 East, north of the small city Hsien-yang into consideration. An arrangement shows similar factors as on the photograph from 1947: A square plateau, grazes (excavations) on the sidewalls, similar ones walkways (streets) and in the background, a small settlement. But that pyramid is definitely not the "white pyramid".

The Maoling Mausoleum is the burial site of Emperor Wu Di.

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In some Internet pages (Chris Maier) and in the homepage of wikipedia, the Maoling mausoleum is compared with the "white pyramid". And that is in actual fact correct. Already on former satellite images which were published in the homepage of earthquest.co.uk of November 2001, that is to be recognized. With Google Earth, this pyramid - although at present another with bad resolution - is it to be seen also. They lies west of the pyramids of Hsien-yang, close to the city Xianyang, on 30.20 degrees North and 108.34 degrees East.

The "white pyramid" needs not to be a tremendous mystic building. The pilots and the travel agents to see the Maoling mausoleum, with his size - according to the measurements via Google Earth - of about 222 to 217 meters on the ground and his height of about 46 meters, can quite have appeared below glistening sunlight glimmering and quite big. No other pyramid in this area is so big. Only the one on 34.23 North and 108.42 East, which has a size of 219 to 230 meters on the ground. The well known Shi Huang-ti Mausoleum, situated 50 kilometers East, has a size of 357 to 354 meters on the base and the whole complex has a size of 488 to 581 meters. But that grave mountain is actually a square mound and not a pyramid. Attainable is the area near Hsien-yang over the city Xi´an (Sian) obvious the airport that Hartwig Hausdorf with some traveling companions already used in 1994. They could for instance constitute seventeen pyramids within a radius of about three kilometers and they estimated its heights at sixty to seventy meters.

Comparison of the Gizeh pyramid complex (top image) with a pyramid complex in Shaanxi (bottom image)..

spoiler gambarThis new 3d image of the Maoling Mausoleum
shows the same characteristics as the image of 1947.
spoiler gambarNEW!!! This pyramid, of February 2009 by Google Earth, shows again the wellknown Maoling Mausoleum but in a better solution from GeoEye. The comparison above shows that is indeed the "white pyramid".

By the new aperture of China to the west, the corresponding investigations too would be able to be made amenable now at last for experts from other countries. For the better sense of China and of its past.

Comparison of the Gizeh pyramid complex (top image) with a pyramid complex in Shaanxi (bottom image)..

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